
This domain name is for sale
Welcome to 
The ourpages.com Website. Can you make use of this domain name?

Domain facts:

  • This domain's website has only been used by the UK Company, Holiday Postcards Ltd, as an active website since its creation date on 20th July 2005.
  • It is being sold without any current or previous website content which remain the sole copyright of Holiday Postcards Ltd.
  • UK VAT (sales tax) of 20% of the purchase price will be added to any acceptable offer made for the transfer of this domain name.
  • A VAT receipted invoice will be sent as a pdf to the new registrant upon completion of a sale and the domain will be transfered to the recipient's preferred domain registrar.

Who are we?

This site is administered by the UK registered company:

Holiday Postcards Ltd
The Lilies, 
Griffe Grange Valley,
DE4 4BW,

(UK Company No: 1557657. Registered Office as above. VAT Reg No: 884 9932 53).

Make us an Offer!

Make an offer for ourpages.com and it will be considered as soon as possible. You might find it helpful to search the many domain name valuation services on the web to get a feel for how much this domain is worth. Certainly we shall be taking them into account when assessing your offer.

 We also have the following Cyber Domains that could be used for a variety of purposes.

www.Cyber-Pages.net (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.Cyber-Pages.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.Cyber-Pages.org (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Cyber-Pages.co.uk (Created 1st Mar 2005).
www.CyberPages.org.uk (Created 9th Aug 2005).
www.Cyber-Pages.org.uk (Created 21st Jul 2005).
www.CyberPages.info (Created 4th Oct 2001).
www.Cyber-Pages.info (Created 26th Nov 2004).
www.CyberPages.biz (Created 9th Nov 2001).
www.Cyber-Pages.biz (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.MyCyberPages.com (Created 17th Aug 2005).
www.MyCyberPages.info (Created 10th Aug 2004).
www.TheirCyberPages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.OurCyberPages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.HisCyberPages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.HerCyberPages.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Cyber-Page.com (Created 15th Dec 2004).
www.Cyber-Page.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.Cyber-Page.org (Created 21st Jul 2005).
www.Cyber-Page.co.uk (Created 1st Mar 2005).
www.CyberPage.org.uk (Created 21st July 2005).
www.Cyber-Page.org.uk (Created 21st July 2005).
www.CyberPage.info (Created 4th Oct 2001).
www.OurCyberPage.info (Created 9th Oct 2001).
www.OurPage.info (Created 10th Aug 2004).

Her, His, Their, Visit and Home Pages' Domains could promote products and services to individuals.

www.Her-Pages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.HerPages.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.His-Pages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.HisPages.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.Their-Pages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.TheirPages.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).

www.Visit-Pages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.View-Pages.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.HerHomePages.com (Created 2nd June 2008).
www.HisHomePages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.TheirHomePages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.MyHomePages.info (Created 10th Aug 2004).

Self Publishing Domains for Authors, Artists and Photographers or for Galleries, Agents and Publishers.

www.ReadMyStories.com (Created 9th Aug 2005).
www.Read-My-Stories.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.ReadMyNovels.com (Created 9th Aug 2005).
www.Read-My-Novels.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.ReadMyPoems.com (Created 4th May 2009).
www.Read-My-Poems.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Sing-My-Songs.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.View-My-Paintings.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.View-My-Prints.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.View-My-Photos.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.ViewMyCartoons.com (Created 9th Aug 2005).
www.View-My-Cartoons.com (Created 27th May 2008).

Sell Domain, Buy Domain, Register Domain, Host Domain Websites for firms offering these services.

www.Sell-Domain.info (Created 4th Oct 2001).

www.Buy-Domain.info (Created 4th Oct 2001).

www.Register-Domain.biz (Created 2nd Nov 2001).

www.Domain-Host.info (Created 4th Oct 2001).
www.Domain-Hosting.biz (Created 2nd Nov 2001).

Cheap Domain Name Registrations Websites, yet to be used for Domain Registrations.

www.CheapDomainNameRegistration.net (Created 27th Jul 2000).
www.Cheap-Domain-Name-Registration.net (Created 27th Jul 2000).

www.CheapDomainRegistration.net (Created 27th Jul 2000).
www.Cheap-Domain-Registration.net (Created 27th Jul 2000).
www.CheapDomainRegistration.co.uk (Created 20th July 2000).
www.Cheap-Domain-Registration.co.uk (Created 20th Jul 2000).

www.CheapNameRegistration.com (Created 28th May 2008).
www.Cheap-Name-Registration.com (Created 3rd Jul 2000).
www.CheapNameRegistration.net (Created 3rd Jul 2000).
www.Cheap-Name-Registration.net (Created 3rd Jul 2000).
www.CheapNameRegistration.co.uk (Created 6th July 2000).
www.Cheap-Name-Registration.co.uk (Created 6th July 2000).

www.DomainNameRegistration.org.uk (Created 30th July 2003).

Inexpensive, Low Cost and Cheap Domain Naming Websites ideal for domain brokers and registration agents. 

www.Inexpensive-Domain.com (Created 4th Jul 2003).
www.InexpensiveDomain.co.uk (Created 17th Aug 2000).
www.Inexpensive-Domain.co.uk (Created 17th Aug 2000).

www.LowCostDomainNames.co.uk (Created 6th Jul 2000).
www.Low-Cost-Domain-Names.net (Created 28th Jul 2000).

www.Cheap-Domain.info (Created 4th Oct 2001).
www.Cheap-Domain.biz (Created 12th Feb 2003).

www.Cheap-Domain-Name.net (Created 3rd Jul 2000).
www.Cheap-Domain-Name.co.uk (Created 6th Jul 2000).

www.Cheap-Domain-Names.net (Created 27th Jun 2000).

Personal Domain Names Sites could be used by firms to sell Personal Websites and associated services. 

www.Personal-Domain.com (Created 10th Dec 2003).
www.Personal-Domain.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).

www.Personal-Domains.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.Personal-Domains.info (Created 5th Apr 2006).
www.PersonalDomains.biz (Created 18th Jan 2002).
www.Personal-Domains.co.uk (Created 6th Apr 2006).

www.Personal-Domain-Name.net (Created 31st Jan 2002).
www.PersonalDomainName.info (Created 18th Jan 2002).
www.PersonalDomainName.biz (Created 31st Jan 2002).
www.PersonalDomainName.co.uk (Created 13th Apr 2004).
www.Personal-Domain-Name.co.uk (Created 1st Feb 2002).

www.PersonalDomainNames.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.Personal-Domain-Names.eu (Created 7th Apr 2006).
www.PersonalDomainNames.info (Created 31st Jan 2002).
www.PersonalDomainNames.biz (Created 31st Jan 2002).
www.Personal-Domain-Names.co.uk (Created 6th Aug 2006).

Personalised Domain Names' Sites could be promoting Personalised WebSites for individuals and businesses.

www.Personalised-Domain-Name.com (Created 4th Jul 2003).
www.Personalised-Domain-Name.info (Created 31st Jan 2002).
www.PersonalisedDomainName.net (Created 19th Jul 2001).
www.Personalised-Domain-Name.net (Created 19th Jul 2001).

www.Personalised-Domain-Names.com (Created 4th Jul 2003).
www.PersonalisedDomainNames.net (Created 19th Jul 2001).
www.Personalised-Domain-Names.net (Created 19th Jul 2001).

Introductory Pages sites could be used for Introductory Agencies or for new products or services. 

www.IntroductoryPage.com (Created 14th Oct 2003).
www.Introductory-Page.com (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.IntroductoryPage.net (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.Introductory-Page.net (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.IntroductoryPage.co.uk (Created 2nd Mar 2001).
www.Introductory-Page.co.uk (Created 2nd Mar 2001).
www.IntroductoryPage.biz (Created 3rd Jan 2005).
www.Introductory-Page.biz (Created 3rd Jan 2005).
www.IntroductoryPage.info (Created 12th Oct 2001).
www.Introductory-Page.info (Created 12th Oct 2001).

www.IntroductoryPages.com (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.Introductory-Pages.com (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.IntroductoryPages.net (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.Introductory-Pages.net (Created 20th Jun 2003).
www.IntroductoryPages.co.uk (Created 2nd Mar 2001).
www.Introductory-Pages.co.uk (Created 2nd Mar 2001).
www.IntroductoryPages.biz (Created 3rd Jan 2005).
www.Introductory-Pages.biz (Created 3rd Jan 2005).

Diary, Notes and Message' domains for describing Travel and Activity Holidays and relevant adverts.   

www.Holiday-Notes.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Travel-Postcards.net (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Holiday-Messages.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Holiday-Diary.com (Created 1st Dec 2009).

www.GreetingsFromMe.com (Created 18th Jan 2013).
www.Greetings-From-Me.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Hikers-Paradise.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Xyz-Go.com (Created 6th Aug 2008).

www.TravellersNotes.com (Created 2nd Dec 2008).
www.Travellers-Notes.com (Created 27th May 2008).

Managers and Directors of Youth Bands, Punk Rock, Hard Rock, Live Rock, Jazz, March Bands, Pop Groups, Operatic Societies, Musicians and Orchestras could make good use of these websites.

www.YouthBands.com (Created 14th Jan 2009).
www.Youth-Bands.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.YouthBands.info (Created 10th Aug 2004).
www.Youth-Band.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Operatic-Society.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.OperaticSociety.net (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Youth-Orchestra.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.String-Ensemble.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.ModernJazzBand.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.TraditionalJazzBand.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.ContemporaryJazzBand.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Christian-Rock-Band.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Hard-Rock-Band.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.PopGroups.info (Created 11th Oct 2003).

Churches might consider using these websites to keep their Congregations updated on church activities.

www.Church-Notices.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Church-Information.com (Created 2nd June 2009).
www.ChurchInformation.net (Created 6th Aug 2008).
www.Church-Newsletter.com (Created 2nd June 2009).
www.ChurchMessages.com (Created 5th June 2010).
www.Church-Messages.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Service-Times.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Church-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).

Football Clubs, Football Referees, Rugby Union and Rugby League Clubs and Cricket Teams, can use these domains to provide information for Suppoters, Fans, Club and Team members.

www.SeniorFootballClub.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Youth-Football-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.LadiesFootballClub.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Football-Referees.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.RugbyUnionClub.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Rugby-League-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Rugby-Team.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.CricketTeam.net (Created 27th May 2008).

Sports Teams, Sports Clubs, Team news and Match reports. Workers Clubs, Entertainment Clubs and Debating Societies could use these websites for News, Results and publicise activities.  

www.Match-Reports.com (Created 5th Jan 2010).
www.OurTeamNews.com (Created 23rd May 2008).
www.OurClubNews.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.ClubResults.com (Created 19th Jun 2010).
www.Club-Results.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Sporting-Club.info (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.Sporting-Clubs.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.SportingClubs.info (Created 11th Oct 2003).

www.Entertainment-Clubs.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.EntertainmentClubs.info (Created 11th Oct 2003).
www.Entertaining-You.com (Created 9th Nov 2008).

www.WorkersClubs.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.WorkersClubs.info (Created 11th Oct 2003).

www.Clubs-And-Societies.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.ClubsAndSocieties.info (Created 11th Oct 2003).

www.Debating-Society.com (Created 27th May 2008).

 Horse Racing, Golf, Bowls, Tennis, Netball, Ice Hockey, Basketball, Angling, Fencing, Snooker, Archery, Boxing, Athletic and Swimming Clubs can publish fixtures, results and activities using these websites.

www.OverTheSticks.com (Created 16th Oct 2005).
www.Over-The-Sticks.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.OnTheFlat.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.On-The-Flat.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Golf-Tournament.net (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Bowls-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Fencing-Club.com (Created 6th Apr 2009).

www.Tennis-Players-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Netball-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Netball-Team.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.NetballTeam.net (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Basketball-Club.com (Created 3rd Sep 2009).

www.Ice-Hockey-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Angling-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Athletics-Club.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Archery-Club.com (Created 6th Jul 2008).

www.Boxing-Club.com (Created 2nd June 2010).

www.Swimming-Club.com (Created 11th Apr 2010).

www.Snooker-Club.com (Created 6th Jul 2008).

Picture Blogs, Text Blogs, Phone Blogs, Web Logs, Blogging and Podcasting service providers could use these websites to advertise their services, products and activities. 

www.Picture-Blog.com (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.PictureBlog.info (Created 22nd Dec 2003).
www.Picture-Blog.info (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.PictureBlogs.net (Created 2nd June 2009).
www.Picture-Blogs.com (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.PictureBlogs.info (Created 22nd Dec 2003).
www.Picture-Blogs.info (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.Text-Blog.com  (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.TextBlog.info  (Created 22nd Dec 2003).
www.Text-Blog.info  (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.TextBlogs.com  (Created 22nd Dec 2003).
www.Text-Blogs.com  (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.TextBlogs.info  (Created 22nd Dec 2003).
www.Text-Blogs.info  (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.Phone-Blog.com (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.Phone-Blog.info (Created 22nd Dec 2003).

www.Fone-Blog.com (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.FoneBlog.info (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.Phone-Blogs.com (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.PhoneBlogs.net (Created 24th Dec 2008).
www.PhoneBlogs.info (Created 22nd Dec 2003).
www.Phone-Blogs.info (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.FoneBlogs.com  (Created 4th Jun 2004).
www.Fone-Blogs.com  (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.FoneBlogs.co.uk  (Created 13th Apr 2004).
www.FoneBlogs.info (Created 22nd Dec 2003).

www.Web-Log.co.uk (Created 31st Dec 2003).
www.Web-Logs.co.uk (Created 31st Dec 2003).

www.MoBlogs.net  (Created 3rd May 2009).

www.Mo-Bloggings.com (Created 27th May 2008).

www.Podcasts.org.uk (Created 9th Apr 2005).

WebSites for publicising Business Deals, Business Ventures, Business Opportunities, your Restaurant or Estate Agency. 

www.12u.biz (Created 16th Apr 2005).

www.Business-Deals.co.uk (Created 29th Mar 2000).

www.Business-Ventures.co.uk (Created 29th Mar 2000).

www.Lebanese-Restaurant.com (Created 27th May 2008).
www.Indian-Restaurant.net (Created 13th Sep 2008).

www.Estate-Agency.biz (Created 26th Nov 2004).

Making or Looking for a Business Offer? Are you a Firm or Agency specialising in Business Offers? - these websites could be an ideal platform. THE DORMANT UK COMPANY BUSINESS OFFERS LTD COULD BE INCLUDED IN ANY DEAL. This Company was incorporated on 25th April 2000 - Company number 03979147 and has never traded and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Our Pages Ltd who are the current registrant of all of the domains offered for sale on this website.

www.Business-Offer.net (Created 5th Mar 2005).
www.Business-Offer.org (Created 27th May 2008).
www.BusinessOffer.co.uk (Created 15th Apr 2000).
www.Business-Offer.co.uk (Created 15th Apr 2000).
www.BusinessOffer.biz (Created 7th Jun 2002).
www.Business-Offer.biz (Created 26th Nov 2004).
www.BusinessOffer.info (Created 7th June 2002).
www.Business-Offer.info (Created 5th Mar 2005).

www.Business-Offers.com (Created 25th Jul 2003).
www.Business-Offers.net (Created 17th Sep 2012).
www.BusinessOffers.org (Created 9th Feb 2006).
www.BusinessOffers.eu (Created 21st Nov 2006).
www.Business-Offers.co.uk (Created 29th Mar 2000).
www.BusinessOffers.org.uk (Created 18th Oct 2006).
www.Business-Offers.org.uk (Created 18th Oct 2006).
www.BusinessOffers.biz (Created 14th May 2002).
www.Business-Offers.biz (Created 14th May 2002)).
www.BusinessOffers.info (Created 24th Feb 2005).
www.Business-Offers.info (Created 14th May 2002)).

These WebSites could be used by Management and Business Consultants and Communication Advisers to display information to promote their products, services and activities.

www.Management-Decisions.com (Created 26th Jul 2003).
www.ManagementDecisions.co.uk (Created 29th Mar 2000).
www.Management-Decisions.co.uk (Created 29th Mar 2000).
www.ManagementDecisions.info (Created 14th May 2002).
www.Management-Decisions.info (Created 14th May 2002).
www.ManagementDecisions.biz (Created 14th May 2002).
www.Management-Decisions.biz (Created 14th May 2002).

www.BusinessAssistance.biz (Created 16th Nov 2004).
www.Business-Assistance.biz (Created 26th Nov 2004).

www.DirectCommunications.info (Created 7th Jun 2002).
www.Direct-Communications.info (Created 7th Jun 2002).
www.DirectCommunications.biz (Created 7th Jun 2002).